My background in organic farming and sustainable agriculture initially inspired my trajectory and practice into herbal medicine. I was born and raised in the Pacific Northwest where my love of plants was first cultivated and where I choose to continue my work, in part because of my deep connection to the land and plants of this region. My relationship with the plant kingdom moves me deeply, their ability to change and positively influence our lives when we open up to them is inspiring and humbling. I have an endless fascination for the healing herbs ability to provide for and mirror the human experience as a healing tool and ally. That being said I believe deeply in the practice of reciprocity with all living things. I practice consent when working with plants, use ethically sourced materials and wildcraft minimally.

Over the course of a decade of herbal study, my teachers have included: Karyn Schwartz of the Sugar Pill in Seattle, Washington, Beth Hailey of Donna Flora Herb and Flower Farm in Skagit County, Washington, Karyn Sanders and Sarah Holmes of Blue Otter Herb School in Siskiyou County, California. In addition to the irreplaceable people listed above, I also rely on the magnanimous and endless support and teachings of elders and peers in the herbal community. 

I practice herbalism as a form of self care for myself and my family, as a service to my community, and also as a form of activism. A portion of my income is donated to the Squaxin and Nisqually Coast Salish Tribes, who’s land I current live on. My personal ancestral linage comes from Ireland, Finland and the greater Arctic Circle and I recognize myself and my ancestors as colonizers of the land where I live. I practice my work through an anti-oppression lens which calls into conversation the privileges and oppressions that shape who we are. This practice allows for me to show up with integrity in my commitment as a provider. It is my mission to encourage self care, support and to unsettle/decolonize wherever possible in hopes of influencing a more balanced expression of the world as we know it.